Proper Operation
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The spin function is initiated by the timer. The timer simultaneously energizes the drive motor and the spin coil on the wigwag (Figure 1). The washer lid switch must be closed to enable the spin switch coil to be energized. The lid switch is a safety device to prevent anyone from putting their hands into the basket when it is spinning. The spinbrake is designed to stop a spinning basket of clothes within 8 secondsfrom the time that the lid is opened. The lid switch is open when thelid is open. On older washer models the switch is implemented using avial of mercury with electrical contacts at one end. When the lid isclosed, the mercury engulfs the contacts and the spin coil on thecontrol magnet (see next paragraph) can be energized. Modern washers use a microswitch for the lid switch. A plastic lid striker extendsdown from the right hand side of the lid and contacts the lid switchpaddle actuator through a small hole in the lid well. You can hear the microswitch open and close with a click when you slowly raise and lower the lid.

The wig wag (control magnet) resides on a shaft coming out the top of the gearcase (Figure 2). If you view the gearcase from the rear access, the wigwag is just to the right of the motor. It has two plungers connected to plunger shafts that slide up inside the two coils. The spin coil is the one closest to the drive motor. The spin plunger rides in a slot in the slide bar. The slot has two levels. When the spin coil is energized, the plunger rocks back and forth in the upper level slot and positions the slide bar forward towards the drive motor.

The spin clutch is engaged when the clutch shaft drops down into the groove on the end of the spin slide bar. The other end of the clutchshaft is connected to the clutch yoke. When the clutch yoke is lowered,the basket brake (Figure 3) is disingaged and the spin clutch is engaged. The basket is located inside the tub. It is the perforated container that holds your clothes and is visible inside the upper lid. The basket revolves around the spin tube which extends up into the outer tub from the spin clutch. The basket, spin tube, brake and spin clutch assembly are all mounted around the agitator shaft.

The spin pulley makes up one half of the spin clutch. When the spin clutch yoke drops down, the upper clutch pads engage the clutch face onthe spin pulley. The drive belt contacts only one third of the total circumference of the spin pulley. If the belt is properly adjusted, the spin clutch will slip until the basket is brought up to the final spinspeed. If the belt is worn or loose, it will excessively slip on the spin pulley when the spin clutch engages a heavy load of wet clothes. Small shreds of black rubber from the belt sprinkled all over transmission gearcase and elsewhere under the machine will be the first indication of a loose belt.

The spin function is always preceded by and accompanied with a pumpdrain function to remove the water from the tub. The pump is normally in the drain mode when the agitate coil on the wig wag is not energized. Attempting to spin a load of clothes with even a partial tub of undrained water will put an excessive load on the drive motor and spinclutch components.

Figure 1 (Return)


Figure 2 (Return)

Spin Clutch Assembly

Figure 3 (Return)

Brake Drum Assembly